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Zhongyi Street

时间:2023-10-24 17:00:23  

Yuncheng Zhongyi Street, one of the first provincial-level night culture and tourism consumption agglomeration units in Shanxi Province
  The Pingyuan Street Cultural and Tourism District opened for business in November 2021, adjacent to the Guandi Temple and covering an area of approximately 40 acres. The buildings of Pingyuan Street consist of a main street and a secondary street, with the main street running north-south and a total length of 700 meters and an east-west width of 8 meters; The secondary street is east-west oriented, with a total length of 300 meters and a width of 4.5 meters from north to south. The two streets are perpendicular to each other, forming a "T" shape. Each building courtyard in the block adopts a front and back courtyard style layout, consisting of entrance signs, street crossing bridges, quadrangles, sanheyuan, and individual shops; The architectural style inherits and carries forward the characteristics of folk houses in southern Shanxi. The overall tenon and mortise structure, carved beams and painted rafters, and their different shapes make the street scenery everywhere, creating a diversified space with both cultural flavor and fashion. The business format of the block is mainly focused on specialty cuisine, leisure and entertainment, cultural and creative shopping, faith in customs and blessings, and cultural exhibitions, creating a one-stop tourist destination for tourists to "visit Changping, taste delicious food, worship Guangong, fulfill their wishes, stay in homestays, and enjoy the beautiful scenery".
Visitor Center:0359-2800262       Ticket Center:0359-2808369       Helpline:0359-2808369    Complaint Call:0359-2800262     Rescue calls:0359-2805252
Address: No.145, Wuyi Road, Jiezhou Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi
ICP:晋ICP备2023016244号-1 晋公网安备 14080202000550号

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Yuncheng Guangong Hometown Cultural Tourist Attraction

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