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时间:2023-10-21 15:53:16

  Planted on the west side of the rear of the Empress Dowager Hall, the Yunbai tree is named after its dense and dense foliage, resembling clouds in the sky. It is over 800 years old and leans 45 degrees from the ground, pointing directly towards the direction of the Guandi Temple in Jiezhou. Therefore, the people say that this Yunbai tree is a ladder used by Lord Guan to work at the ancestral temple in Jiezhou.
Visitor Center:0359-2800262       Ticket Center:0359-2808369       Helpline:0359-2808369    Complaint Call:0359-2800262     Rescue calls:0359-2805252
Address: No.145, Wuyi Road, Jiezhou Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi
ICP:晋ICP备2023016244号-1 晋公网安备 14080202000550号

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