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Empress Hall

时间:2023-10-21 15:54:35

  The temple is dedicated to the wife of Duke Guan. Her surname is Hu Mingyue, and her character is Jinding. She is from Donghu Village in Jiezhou. After Duke Guan was crowned emperor, Lady Guan enjoyed the treatment of a empress. She wore a phoenix crown and a embroidered robe, with sparkling eyes. Sitting upright, she looked like an emperor or a princess. The statue was created in the Ming Dynasty, but it continues the Tang Dynasty's female style of valuing fat as beauty and valuing fullness as blessings. On the east and west sides of the Empress Dowager Hall, there are crown prince halls dedicated to Guan Ping and Guan Xing, the two sons of Guan Gong. Their wives are respectively enshrined in the halls, and the statues are preserved from the Qing Dynasty to this day.
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Address: No.145, Wuyi Road, Jiezhou Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi
ICP:晋ICP备2023016244号-1 晋公网安备 14080202000550号

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