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Chongning Hall

时间:2023-10-21 15:55:12

  It is the main hall of the family temple dedicated to Guan Gong, named after Emperor Zhao Ji of Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty in the third year of Chongning (1104 AD), who appointed Guan Gong as the True Prince of Chongning. The imperial statue of Guan Gong is enshrined in the shrine of Chongning Temple. Wearing the crown of the emperor and wearing a dragon robe, he sat intently on the dragon chair, holding a seven star guillotine in his hand. Guiban is an ancient object held by the upper court. The Seven Stars were used for transportation in ancient times. They reside in the sky, above Kunlun Mountains, and are in charge of human welfare, wealth, and longevity, indicating the imperial status of Guan Gong. This statue is preserved from the Ming Dynasty to this day, with a history of about 400 years. On both sides of the shrine, there is a pair of couplets: Purple mist hovers, sword shadows slant over the river and sea; The red glow shrouded in mist, and the sharp edge of the sword pierced the clear bullfight. The upper couplet praises Guan Gong for his exceptional military prowess, vividly showcasing the scene of Guan Gong galloping on the battlefield with his sword and horse during his lifetime. The lower couplet praises Guan Gong for his sharp weapons, illuminating the Bull Star in the sky, and mainly praises Guan Gong's weapons. Below the shrine, there are two ministers, namely Lu Xiufu and Zhang Shijie, who were loyal and righteous figures of the Southern Song Dynasty, to highlight the identity of Guan Gong.
Visitor Center:0359-2800262       Ticket Center:0359-2808369       Helpline:0359-2808369    Complaint Call:0359-2800262     Rescue calls:0359-2805252
Address: No.145, Wuyi Road, Jiezhou Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi
ICP:晋ICP备2023016244号-1 晋公网安备 14080202000550号

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