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Dragon tiger cypress

时间:2023-10-21 15:55:51

       The Dragon Tiger Cypress is located between the Xiandian and the Main Hall, with one tree on both sides. According to experts, the trees are all over 1800 years old and have a circumference of over 4 meters. It is said that it was planted by Lord Guan himself at the age of 15 and now almost grows into a dragon shaped tiger statue, known as Dragon Cypress and Tiger Cypress. To the east is a dragon cypress tree, with one trunk divided into two branches. The right half resembles a dragon head and a dragon horn, while the left half resembles a dragon body and a dragon tail. The tree is named after its dragon shape. To the west is a tiger cypress, with a large ball shaped structure resembling a tiger's head. Its eyes, nose bridge, and nostrils are lifelike, and it is called a tiger cypress because the tiger's head is facing downwards. Looking up at the trunk of the tree, there are red spots on the roots that were sawn off. It is said that when the Xiandian Temple was built, the branches were a bit troublesome. After being sawn off, strong winds blew for seven days and seven nights, leaving behind blood stains. The people say this is a downhill tiger, with its head facing downwards and tail facing upwards, The sawn part is equivalent to the bloodstains left by the tiger's tail, which have been exposed to wind, spring, and sun for hundreds of years and are still preserved to this day.
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Address: No.145, Wuyi Road, Jiezhou Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi
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