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Stone memorial archway

时间:2023-10-21 16:01:49

  The Stone memorial archway, the "Hometown of Guan Wang", was built by Wang Xiu, the governor and supervisor of the imperial court, in the second year of Jiajing (1523 AD) of the Ming Dynasty. It has a history of 500 years. The highest title of Duke Guan before his death was the Han Shouting Marquis. In the Song Dynasty, he was granted the title of King Wu'an, a righteous king, and in the Ming Dynasty, he was granted the title of Emperor Xietian. Because Duke Guan was in the manor when the memorial archway was built, it was named the hometown of the manor Guan, which proved that this was indeed the birthplace of the manor Guan. Memorial archway column relief dragons are rough and powerful, which were donated by the Royal Guards of the Ming Dynasty.
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Address: No.145, Wuyi Road, Jiezhou Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi
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Yuncheng Guangong Hometown Cultural Tourist Attraction

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