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Spring and Autumn Tower

时间:2023-10-21 14:32:08  

  The Spring and Autumn Tower is the last ancient building on the central axis of Guandi Temple, and it is also the most essence of Guandi Temple. There is a saying that goes, 'The temples in Jiezhou belong to all over the world, and the view of spring and autumn in Jiezhou temples' refers to the building ahead. It is named Chunqiu Tower because the second floor is dedicated to the true statue of Guan Gong reading Chunqiu at night. This building, with a total height of 23.41 meters, is the tallest building in the entire temple. It has three eaves and two floors, and is a Xieshan style pavilion. It was first built from the first year of the Ming Dynasty Wanli to the 18th year of the Ming Dynasty Wanli (1573-1590 AD), and took nearly 18 years for the ancients. It has a history of 400 years now.
  The hanging lotus columns around the second floor surround 26. There are 8 red lotus hanging columns on the front, each with its head facing downwards, resembling a hanging beam. Each column is supported by a crossbeam inserted into the column, which is close to the lever principle in mechanics and gives a feeling of a castle in the air. This type of suspension beam suspension column structure has a history of nearly a thousand years in architectural history, also known as suspension beam suspension column or suspension beam drag column in folk.
  On the first floor of the shrine, there is a statue of a general of Guan Gong, wearing a scarf, symbolizing the identity of Guan Lao Ye as a martial saint. Wearing armor, it represents the identity of Guan Gong as a military god and war god. On the second floor, there is a real-life portrait of Guan Gong's night reading Spring and Autumn Annals enshrined. Guan Lao Ye sits on his side, with his left hand supporting the table and his right hand brushing his beard. He has thick eyebrows and phoenix eyes, and looks at "Spring and Autumn Annals" with a thoughtful expression. This statue imitates the charm of the 53 year old statue of Emperor Guan, with seven vermilion stains distributed on its face, resembling the Big Dipper, cleverly symbolizing the breadth of Emperor Guan's divine grace and the greatness of his power.
  There are two inverted caissons on the second floor of the Spring and Autumn Tower. Diatompits are generally square, polygonal, or circular concave surfaces. The caisson above the Spring and Autumn Tower is convex in shape, with a lotus pillar hanging upside down in the center and radiating out with its mouth raised. The entire square of the caisson has 204 pairs of raised mouths, with consistent shapes, equal scales, and layered structures. Its shape resembles a blooming chrysanthemum or a peacock opening its screen, making it a wonder in the history of ancient architecture in China!

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Address: No.145, Wuyi Road, Jiezhou Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi
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