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Qi Su Qianqiu Fang

时间:2023-10-21 14:52:07  

  It was first built in the first year of the Wanli reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty, which was 1573 AD, and was rebuilt from the sixth to ninth years of the Tongzhi reign of the Qing Dynasty. The square is in the style of a four column three story hall, with all the tile roofs covered with yellow and green glazed components. On the forehead, there are painted stories of the Three Kingdoms, such as the Crouching Cow Mountain Harvesting Zhou Cang, the Warm Wine Slaying Hua Xiong, and the Passing of Qin Qi.
Visitor Center:0359-2800262       Ticket Center:0359-2808369       Helpline:0359-2808369    Complaint Call:0359-2800262     Rescue calls:0359-2805252
Address: No.145, Wuyi Road, Jiezhou Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi
ICP:晋ICP备2023016244号-1 晋公网安备 14080202000550号

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