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Yibing Qiankun

时间:2023-10-21 14:53:35  


  The plaque "Yi Bing Qian Kun" is hung horizontally between the two pillars in front of the shrine in the hall. It is written by the Emperor Kangxi and decorated with gold dragon carvings, with exquisite craftsmanship and is extremely rare. The four characters' Yi Bing Qian Kun 'are regular script, which was written by Emperor Xuanye of the Qing Dynasty in the 37th year of Kangxi, and is neat and stable. On the upper edge of the plaque, be careful to seal the seal script with the inscription 'Treasure of Kangxi Imperial Brush'. This plaque was originally located in the Imperial Library and later moved to the Chongning Hall.
  In the center of the shrine is the imperial statue of Lord Guan, wearing an imperial crown, a golden dragon robe, a jade belt around the waist, lips tightly closed, eyes focused, and holding a seven star scepter. The ministers on both sides were Lu Xiufu and Zhang Shijie from the Southern Song Dynasty.

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Address: No.145, Wuyi Road, Jiezhou Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi
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