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Eternal human pole

时间:2023-10-21 14:54:46  

  Above the door forehead is a plaque with the inscription "The Ultimate of Eternal People", and in the middle is the signature of the treasure of the Xianfeng Imperial Brush, which is the imperial brush of Emperor Xianfeng. Confucius is revered as a teacher for all ages, and Guan Gong is the ultimate human being. As an embodiment of loyalty and righteousness, a representative of integrity, a role model in life, and to the highest point in life, Emperor Xianfeng gave him the highest evaluation.
Visitor Center:0359-2800262       Ticket Center:0359-2808369       Helpline:0359-2808369    Complaint Call:0359-2800262     Rescue calls:0359-2805252
Address: No.145, Wuyi Road, Jiezhou Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi
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